• Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology psychiatry mental healt

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:26:02
    , , , , Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Metalhead gets disability pay for heavy-metal addiction by djbaxter on July 29, 2011 M etalhead gets disability pay for heavy-metal addiction” by Adriana Barton , Globe and Mail Monday , July 25, 2011 Never mess with a man’s Metallica let alone his Iron Maiden and AC . DC In Sweden , a dishwasher has succeeded in having his heavy-metal habit declared an addiction requiring disability payments , reports The Local a Swedish news . site Roger Tullgren , 42, says he consulted three psychologists to

  • Obesity Addiction Illness or just plain Fat-Bashing Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychli

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:26:01
    : , , Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog General Psychology Obesity : Addiction , Illness , or just plain Fat-Bashing Obesity : Addiction , Illness , or just plain Fat-Bashing by djbaxter on August 16, 2004 A re we taking this too far Compulsive eating is undeniably a problem for many individuals , as are other eating disorders , with physical health as well as mental health implications . But an addiction Substance abuse Obesity May Be Substance Abuse Problem GAINESVILLE , Fla . Aug 15, 2004 United Press International University of

  • Eating Drinking Overthinking Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psychology Mental H

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:26:00
    , , Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Book Reviews Eating , Drinking , Overthinking Eating , Drinking , Overthinking by djbaxter on February 9, 2006 Eating , Drinking , Overthinking S usan Nolen-Hoeksema . Henry Holt and Co . 2005, Hardcover , 272 pages , 4.00 Eating , Drinking , Overthinking : The Toxic Triangle of Food , Alcohol , and Depression - and How Women Can Break Free By Susan Nolen-Hoeksema , . Ph.D Depression is a common and debilitating problem among women , though it rarely occurs in a vacuum . Instead , as Susan

  • Jumping to conclusions Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:58
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog General Psychology Jumping to conclusions Jumping to conclusions by djbaxter on September 13, 2004 A recent report from a Seattle research group proclaims , Vitamin Supplements May Slow Middle-Age Weight Gain” FRIDAY , Sept . 10 HealthDayNews Four common supplements chromium , vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and multivitamins may help slow weight gain in middle-age adults , claims a study by researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in . Seattle Researchers reviewed questionnaire responses

  • Making sense of medication side-effects Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psycholo

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:57
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Medications Making sense of medication side-effects Making sense of medication side-effects by djbaxter on April 30, 2005 Y ou’ve just come home from a visit to your doctor with a new prescription . If you are like many people today , one of the first things you will do is read the leaflet your pharmacist gave you and then go to the internet to look for more information . For many people , what they find there can be alarming . Websites like www.RxList.com include tables of possible side-effects that

  • Advances in the treatment of depression Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psycholo

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:56
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Mental Disorders Advances in the treatment of depression Advances in the treatment of depression by djbaxter on July 25, 2004 A recent article in The News-Sentinel offers new hope to the 15-25 percent of the 19 million Americans with depression” who do not respond to treatment using medication , psychotherapy , or electroshock therapy ECT While that estimate seems a little high to me I would estimate that at least 90 of depressed patients eventually respond to medication and or psychotherapy ,

  • AOL-owned DMOZ Directory promotes child pornography Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychli

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:55
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Internet AOL-owned DMOZ Directory promotes child pornography AOL-owned DMOZ Directory promotes child pornography by djbaxter on February 14, 2006 M any of you have probably never heard of DMOZ also known as the Open Directory Project Originally an offshoot of the Mozilla open-source group associated with Netscape , it fell under the America OnLine AOL umbrella when AOL purchased Netscape some years ago . The Directory has some influence in the world of webmasters primarily because it feeds the Google

  • DMOZ reaches a new low Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:54
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Internet DMOZ reaches a new low DMOZ reaches a new low by djbaxter on June 8, 2007 C ompostannie , one of the most hard-working , most honest , and most principled of the mixed bag of DMOZ editors and arguably one of the best ambassadors DMOZ ever had , has been removed by the scurrilous crew that makes up the DMOZ inner sanctum . Debates over the cowardly and shameful way this was done are currently raging both in a DigitalPoint thread titled Dmoz Scandal of the Year and within the secret” internal

  • Medication in children Controlling symptoms or controlling behavior Psychlinks Psychology Mental Hea

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:51
    : Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Medications Medication in children : Controlling symptoms or controlling behavior Medication in children : Controlling symptoms or controlling behavior by djbaxter on July 24, 2004 T his isn’t a new issue but it is one that emerges repeatedly , amid reports of increases in the rate of diagnosis of disorders like ADHD and corrsponding increases in the use of medications for treating those disorders . Are there really more children meeting the criteria for ADHD , childhood bipolar disorder , or

  • Welcome to PsychLinks Blog Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psychology Mental Hea

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:50
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Internet Welcome to PsychLinks Blog Welcome to PsychLinks Blog by djbaxter on July 17, 2004 W elcome to the PsychLinks Blog created July 17, 2004. This is part of the PsychLinks Network consisting : of PsychLinks Psychology Mental Health Self-Help Resources PsychLinks Psychology Self-Help Support Forums PsychLinks Directory of Health Mental Health Resources PsychLinks Directory of Health Mental Health Support Groups If you enjoyed this post , make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed Related : posts About

  • PsychLinks Forum reaches an early milestone Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psyc

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:50
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog General Psychology PsychLinks Forum reaches an early milestone PsychLinks Forum reaches an early milestone by djbaxter on July 29, 2004 S ome of you may already know about the PsychLinks Psychology Self-Help Support Forums an offshoot of the main PsychLinks Psychology Mental Health Self-Help Resources website and a sister site to the PsychLinks Blog.Launched on March 25, 2004, PsychLinks Online reached a milestone yesterday with its 1000th post . From a slow initial start , the forum is growing at a

  • What am I going to do with this blog Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psychology

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:48
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Internet What am I going to do with this blog What am I going to do with this blog by djbaxter on July 18, 2004 O kay here I am again about two months after starting this after dealing with several other projects when will I learn that I really can NOT multitask finally back to fix up the settings for this blogger thing so I can actually publish something with it . This , of course , is a filler post to see if it actually works Why am I doing this I suppose it’s curiosity about the technology , mostly

  • About Psychlinks Blog Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health B

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:47
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog About Psychlinks Blog About Psychlinks Blog O ccasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental illness , mental health , relationships , parenting , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist  Dr . David Baxter is a psychologist in private practice in Ottawa , Ontario , Canada , and owner-webmaster of a small network of sites , : including Psychlinks Mental Health Self-Help Resources Psychlinks Mental Health Self-Help Forum Directory of Health and Mental Health Resources Psychlinks Books

  • Check Up From The Neck Up Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psychology Mental Heal

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:46
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Mental Disorders Check Up From The Neck Up Check Up From The Neck Up by djbaxter on April 5, 2006 T he Mood Disorders Association of Ontario is inviting individuals to take an online test called Check Up from the Neck Up designed to screen for various anxiety disorders and mood . disorders Your mental health is just as important as your physical health . This simple , online , private , mental health check-up can identify some symptoms of common mood disorders so you can get help if you need it . You

  • How about a lovely glass of Prozac Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psychology Me

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:44
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Medications How about a lovely glass of Prozac How about a lovely glass of Prozac by djbaxter on August 9, 2004 B ritain , long known as a nation that produces much more exciting scandals than Canada , the US , or Australia , has done it again . It seems that the British Parliament has found a new way to keep its citizens happy even in the face of soaring costs , falling incomes , and terrorists with weapons of mass destruction behind every corner . Yes , that’s right better living through . chemistry

  • Pets as Serotonin Boosters Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psychology Mental Hea

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:42
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog General Psychology Pets as Serotonin Boosters Pets as Serotonin Boosters by djbaxter on July 22, 2004 P uppy Love : Pets and serotonin There have been indications for some time from anectdotal reports and research that people , especially seniors , who live with a pet usually a dog or a cat are healthier , happier , and recover more rapidly from illness . A common assumption has been that this is the result of a combination of the required increased activity in caring for the pet , and the companionship

  • World’s Largest Online Medications Database Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psyc

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:41
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Medications World’s Largest Online Medications Database World’s Largest Online Medications Database by djbaxter on March 26, 2006 D rugBank : World’s Largest Online Drug Database” Searching for credible information on various drugs can be a daunting task both for professionals and consumers . Web searches often bring up a confusing assortment of information generally inundated with sites that want to sell you something . Just released this month is DrugBank the worlds largest online database from the

  • Information Rumor or Opinion Check your sources Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:40
    , , Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Internet Information , Rumor , or Opinion Check your sources Information , Rumor , or Opinion Check your sources by djbaxter on April 2, 2006 a lot of bunk masquerading as information T hat’s how Joshua Greenbaum describes much of the information available on the so-called information . highway” we live in an information age that has gotten long on information and short on attribution and verification . I blame not the Internet so much as the gullibility of a society that has transferred a

  • The Five Love Languages Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:38
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Book Reviews The Five Love Languages The Five Love Languages by djbaxter on October 9, 2008 The Five Love Languages G ary Chapman . Northfield Publishing 1995, Paperback , 204 pages , 4.25 The Five Love Languages:How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman I discovered this book quite by accident while searching for a different title in a local Chapters-Indigo store and I grabbed the last copy in stock after flipping through the pages . I’m now recommending it to clients in couples

  • Meaning Why We Crave It How We Create It Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psychlinks Psychol

    Updated: 2011-07-30 22:25:37
    : , Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Book Reviews Meaning : Why We Crave It , How We Create It Meaning : Why We Crave It , How We Create It by djbaxter on April 13, 2009 The Little Book on Meaning L aura Berman Fortgang . Tarcher 2009, Hardcover , 240 pages , 0.67 The Little Book on Meaning : Why We Crave It , How We Create It by Laura Berman Fortgang As a prominent self-help author and a pioneer in the field of life coaching , Laura Berman Fortgang has spent decades helping people figure out what they want to do with their lives . And

  • Taking Information Technology Into The Field

    Updated: 2011-07-29 20:17:00
    The use of information technology in the medical field has expanded beyond modern machinery, medicine and state-of-the art treatment facilities. Information management and information technology are effectively bridging the gap to achieve a connected, global medical community through the use of electronic health records and telehealth technologies.

  • DOEHRS-HC: Conserving One Of Your Most Valuable Senses

    Updated: 2011-07-29 20:16:00
    According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, every year nearly 30 million people in the United States are exposed to hazardous noise in the workplace. “Fortunately, the incidence of noise-induced hearing loss can be reduced or eliminated through successful application of engineering controls and hearing conservation programs,” OSHA reports.

  • DOD/VA CHDR Reaches Milestone: 1 Million Patients

    Updated: 2011-07-29 20:14:00
    The departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs achieved an important milestone June 24, when the number of shared patients for whom the departments exchange computable outpatient pharmacy and medication allergy data reached 1 million patients.

  • Metalhead gets disability pay for heavy-metal addiction Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Psy

    Updated: 2011-07-29 15:22:37
    Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Mental Disorders Metalhead gets disability pay for heavy-metal addiction Metalhead gets disability pay for heavy-metal addiction by djbaxter on July 29, 2011 M etalhead gets disability pay for heavy-metal addiction” by Adriana Barton , Globe and Mail Monday , July 25, 2011 Never mess with a man’s Metallica let alone his Iron Maiden and AC . DC In Sweden , a dishwasher has succeeded in having his heavy-metal habit declared an addiction requiring disability payments , reports The Local a Swedish news .

  • Come work for us as executive assistant to the CE

    Updated: 2011-07-29 03:45:05
    Accessibility tools Increase text High contrast Accessibility Search box Skip to content Contact Us Home About Us Te Tiriti o Waitangi History Teams Chief Executive Executive Team Judi Clements Shaughan Woodcock Rawiri Wharemate Board Takutai Wikiriwhi Jeremy Gardiner Materoa Mar Deb Christensen Valarie Bos David Lui Janene Olson Sarah Porter Sarah Paykel William Rainger Bernard Te Paa Kirsty Wilkinson Administration , Finance HR Ngavaine Dave Stewart McKenzie Jasmine Tuheke Warwick Hutchinson Jane Norman Keshlar Inglis Angela Lee Communications Marketing Paula Taylor Cate Hennessy Christopher Banks Susie Hill Martin Street Fiatamalii Clark Fundraising Anne Wright Ruth Button Like Minds , Like Mine Dean Manley Katrina Mathers Mental Health Promotion Northern Amanda Bradley Angela Culpin

  • Flourishing with hope: Bipolar Bear reaches out for help

    Updated: 2011-07-27 01:04:54
    Flourishing in spite of it all Search Bipolar Bear Home About Media Flourish with hope 27 Jul Comments 2 Comments Categories bipolar depression film flourishing friends and family mental illness self-stigma suicide Author Christopher Banks Flourish in your sexuality Like Be the first to like this . post 2 Responses to Flourish with hope” Haiku bear July 27, 2011 at 11:09 am Oh gosh Please if you ever feel that way again call Anytime I don’t want you thinking there’s no one to talk to Of course if I don’t answer I’ll call you back , doesn’t mean I don’t want to talk Reply EA July 27, 2011 at 9:59 am God bless those helpline people . I had a similar experience , and I , too , don’t find it easy talking to the people around me . Even though I knew all the techniques , the genuine caring that

  • On Demedicalizing the Medical Humanities

    Updated: 2011-07-26 19:07:08

  • Blockheaded research blockheaded conclusions Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog

    Updated: 2011-07-26 18:23:54
    , Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog General Psychology Blockheaded research , blockheaded conclusions Blockheaded research , blockheaded conclusions by djbaxter on July 26, 2011 W hen you do simple-minded research , expect to draw simple-minded , blockheaded , and just plain wrong conclusions . What’s worse is the potential damage reports of such research can do to those with mental health conditions in need of . treatment Case in point the following description of a McMaster research study from TriCity Psychology : Blog

  • Call for Applications: Tenure-Track Assistant or Tenured Associate/Full Professor, History of Medicine, Yale University

    Updated: 2011-07-24 23:10:25

  • After years in a coma DMOZ ODP finally pronounced dead Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog

    Updated: 2011-07-24 18:10:20
    , Home About Psychlinks Blog Table of Contents Directory Dr . David Baxter Forum Subscribe Psychlinks Psychology Mental Health Blog Occasional commentary on psychology , psychiatry , mental health , the internet , and life by an Ottawa psychologist Mental Health , Psychology , Psychiatry Blog Internet After years in a coma , DMOZ ODP finally pronounced dead After years in a coma , DMOZ ODP finally pronounced dead by djbaxter on July 24, 2011 F inal Nail In The Google Directory Coffin by Barry  Schwartz , Search Engine Land Jul 20, 2011 In 2008, Google removed directory links from Webmaster Tools and in December 2010, Google dropped the search box from the Google directory Today , Google has completely removed the Google Directory as a Google service Going to directory.google.com will show

  • On the Therapeutic Misconception

    Updated: 2011-07-14 13:55:36

  • Call for Papers - Mapping Queer Bioethics: Space, Place, and Locality in LGBTQ Bioethics

    Updated: 2011-07-13 14:00:00

  • Call for Papers: Paranoia and Pain

    Updated: 2011-07-08 14:41:00

  • Call for Papers - Graphic Medicine: Visualizing the Stigma of Illness

    Updated: 2011-07-06 14:42:58

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